. Адвокаты Фарид Муртазин и Вячеслав Макаров в уголовном процессе. Фото Дмитрия БоркоГрани.ру

CALL NOW: (495) 728-3644

Attorney VIACHESLAV MAKAROV and associates provide you the experience, dedication, and creativity you need to successfully fight your case, whether by dismissal, plea, or jury trial.

VIACHESLAV, along with his associates, have won literally thousands of dismissals and jury verdicts across the city and region of Moscow – matters ranging from press-addled sex crimes to false abuse allegations, to major homicides and top-count felonies.

Why We’re Not Like the Other Lawyers

Every lawyer is different; every case is different; but every victory is the same. And that’s what makes us different. We know how to do the same thing the right way when the stakes are high and your life is on the line. 

“Winning isn’t everything… it’s the only thing.”

Viacheslav fights aggressively to win your case, from the time of arrest to negotiations and dismissal or trial — and we’re one of the few law offices to publish our most recent case results online, for all potential clients to see.